Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Secretary of Ag Bill Northey

Thanks to Don Vittetoe for arranging for Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey to speak to the club for Ag Appreciation Day. Thanks to Rotarians for inviting all the guests.

Bill Northey
Secretary Northey told the Club that Iowa ranks high in agriculture. Iowa is:

  • #1 state in corn production
  • #2 state in soybean production
  • #1 state in pork production
For some global perspective though, Iowa raises 21 million hogs annually, while China raises 465 million. That is a lot of bacon.

North Central PETS - President Elect Training Seminar

President Elect Susan Wellington is pictured with District Governor Elect John Ockenfels (L) of Iowa City and his wife Deb (R). They all spent the weekend in Rochester Minnesota at President Elect Training Seminar. What an awesome weekend!


Hey, there is a world beyond e-mail. Check out Washington Rotary's FaceBook page. Hey, we're up to 19 "likes," mostly from non-Rotarians...

If you check out our Washington Rotary web site, you probably noticed that there is a Pinterest "PinIt" badge on each blog post. You Rotarians that are Pinning pics of your dinner, you might consider pinning some Rotary pics too.


March 13: Terry Engelken - Where your Rotary Dollars go
March 20: CLUB FORUM!
March 27: Kathy Salazar TBA
Now thru March 28: Rotarian Nancy Rash's photo display "Alaska via Canada" at the Library
May 1-2: District 6000 Conference in Ames

Our lunches are catered by Cafe Dodici in March. Yum.