Monday, December 22, 2014

Peanut the Service Dog & A Christmas concert

Thanks to Jim Gorham for inviting Jim Goff to speak on December 11th about his new service dog and how it has brought him new freedoms, speed, and mobility. Goff has a degenerative disease that has made him legally blind in recent years.

Jim Goff and Peanut (under the table)

Rotarians know how to ring in the Christmas spirit. Look at those sweaters!

Our program on December 18th was a lovely piano duet concert at the Washington Public Library Thanks to Shelley Lawson and her friend.


December 25:  No club meeting - Merry Christmas
January 1:  No club meeting - Happy New Year
January 8:  Some kind of great Rotary program

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Relay for Life & Salvation Army Bell Ringing

Great to see associate member Wally Wolanin from the Boy Scouts

Congratulations Tsalika Drown on your engagement with Jamie Rich

Thanks to Bob Freeman for his personal story about why he Relays in Relay for Life. It was touching to hear about the fight against cancer that friends and family waged along side his step-daughter Sandy.

Bob Freeman with banner help from Past DG Don Patterson (left) and Ed Rustioni (Right)
Dr. Ann Harris won a piece of Sandy's pottery


Thanks to all the Rotarians that helped to bell ring at Hy-Vee on Sunday, December 7 for the Salvation Army. Your friendly smile helped to put people in the giving spirit!

Ray Poe, Gary Murphy, Cheryl Kurtz

John Thorne closes the deal

Tsalika Drown, Denise Erpelding, & Ed Lins

Ed Lins tries to keep Mark Kendall's fingers out of the kettle...

Ed Raber (2013 Rotarian of the Year) and Ed Lins

Emily Johnson and Club President, Susan Wellington


December 11: Jim Gorham - Jim Goff with guide dog Don't pet the dog!
December 18: Meet at Washington Library for Christmas Concert
December 25: No meeting - Christmas!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

November Rotary Happenings

November was a great month for Washington Rotary. Not many updates due to the editor's home improvement project that sucked up a lot of spare time on the weekends.


Hey, there is an opportunity for a Rotarian to step up to get in line to be a future District Governor for District 6000! Just stand up, or sit down, or just hold still to volunteer. Don Patterson was DG and he lived.

SALVATION ARMY BELL RINGING - Sunday, December 7th at Hy-Vee

This is a reminder that Rotary will be ringing bells for the Salvation Army at HyVee on Sunday, December 7th.  We still need people at the following times:

4-5pm 1 person
5-6pm 1 person
6-7pm 1 person
7-8pm 2 people

Please let Susan Wellington know if you can help out with this project.  It is supposed to be nice on Sunday!!

Welcome Jami Gordon from Assent - Helping Women owned businesses grow 

Margie Roth of Iowa Valley Habitat for Humanity and Rotarian Bob Wollenberg

Bob Roddy spoke about the Titanic and is becoming a new Rotary member!
and Linda Wenger from the Washington Evening Journal dropped by too.

Brandice Armstrong, Emergency Services Director at Washington County Hospital talked about local Ebola preparedness

Rotarian Michelle Redlinger pretends to laugh at Kiwanis club pres Shawn Ellingson's story

Rotarian Myron Graber chews next to Rob Gavin, the new Market President at US Bank

Ivan Mei of Panda Palace visited again!
maybe a new Rotary caterer and maybe a new Rotarian?


Club President, Susan Wellington drops off 80 new kids coats to HACAP's RenElla Crawford. Our Rotary Club raised over $1,100 for this Project - Operation Warm: Coats for Kids


December 4: Ed Rustoni and Bob Freeman - Relay for Life
December 7: Bell ringing at Hy-Vee for Salvation Army
December 11: Some Rotary program
December 18: Concert at the Library - sack lunch
December 25: Christmas! - no club meeting

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Rotary hears about polio

DON'T FORGET that Rotary will be at the Washington Fire Station at 215 E. Washington St. this Thursday, October 30! Don't be late. Be a little early if you can and grab a box lunch.

Thanks to Gene Driscoll for bringing longtime Marshall's Furniture guy, Brian Greiner last Thursday as a guest. Welcome Brian!
Brian Greiner & Gene Driscoll

Rotary Hears about Polio first-hand

Rotarian John Thorne told the club about his experience of getting polio in the summer of 1952 in 4th grade. He spent a few weeks in the Fort Dodge hospital with a mild case, just flu-like symptoms. There was a whole ward of polio kids, including one in an iron lung. He remembered being quarantined essentially, and visitors (like his parents) had to wear protective clothing and talk through the door.

John said the spinal tap was one of the more unpleasant tests they made him suffer through.

He was lucky. He got better and got to go home and hasn't suffered any particular ill effects since then. He got a PhD and learned to play the piano.

Rotarian John Thorne
Millie Youngquist was 2 years old when she contracted Polio in 1954. Her parents thought something was wrong when she had trouble walking. They took her to the University of Iowa clinic where they helped her with some gentle exercises (she was 2...) and massage.

Millie had a light case (like John Thorne) and within 6 weeks she was walking again. One result she has is that her right calf is smaller than her left, and her right leg is a little shorter than her left. Like Thorne, Millie also plays the piano.

Millie Youngquist
Terry Engelken reminded the club that Rotary International has been an instrumental player in helping to get the world 99%+ close to eradicating polio. Check the #ThisClose PSAs.

Polio survivors number 10-20 million, and are one of the biggest survivors group in the US. Post-Polio syndrome is a big factor for many of these people, when up to 35 years later, new polio-like symptoms arise and can be debilitating.

Polio cases dropped dramatically in 1962 in the US with the introduction of the Sabin vaccine.

October 24th was #WorldPolioDay. Click here to read how Rotary is leading the End Polio Now charge. Lots of good stuff that will make you proud to be a Rotarian.

Past Pres. Terry Engelken
Past DG Don Patterson also told the club that he was part of a Rotary vaccination/immunization trip to Nigeria back in 2010. Polio immunization was part of that effort.


October 30:  7:00am Rotary Board Meeting @ WCHC
October 30:  Meet at Washington Fire Station! 215 E. Washington St.
November 6: Some kind of program
November 13: Some kind of program

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Bazooka at Rotary

It is convenient that the weather was beautiful so that Cafe Dodici could just walk our lunch over from the restaurant.


Lots of guests on Business & Industry Appreciation Day makes this lunch meeting very special. Thanks to all the guests and thanks to the Rotarians that brought a guest to share our day with.

Becky Patterson & Lynn Horak

Jeremiah Gingerich, Meagan Wagner

Amanda Russell

A gaggle of YMCA staff

Phil Marino & Michelle Redlinger

Kierstan Peck & Martha Graber

Denise Erpelding & Edie Nebel

Marcus Hall & Teri Hartzler

Shawn Redlinger & Matt Greiner

Katie Mitchell & Rotarian Dr. Ann Harris

Cafe Dodici's Miche Santoro & Jennie Sykes

Jamie Rich


Eric Hahn, the General Manager at Bazooka Farmstar, gave a very informative presentation about how Bazooka is creating new products and growing their business. They have grown from about 25 employees three years ago to about 80 today.
Eric Hahn


October 23:  Terry Engelken
October 30:  7am Rotary Board Meeting @ WCHC

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Elderly Waiver Program

Thanks to Tsalika Drown for inviting Ivan Mei of the Panda Palace restaurant to Rotary.  Welcome, Ivan!
Ivan Mei of Panda Palace
John Moenck brought Amber Scott from Jones Eden Funeral Home to Rotary. Welcome Amber!
Funeral Directors are a happy bunch. Amber Scott
Jim Gorham brought John Greener to Rotary. John is a retired teacher and happens to be running for Iowa House District #78. Welcome John!

John Greener


Thanks to Phil Rabinowitz for inviting Susan Mitchell and Jeri Crile from the Washington County Department of Public Health to talk about the Elderly Waiver program.

Elderly Waiver is a Medicaid program which pays for a variety of services to keep persons 65 years of age or older in their homes longer and safer.
Susan Mitchell
Jeri Crile talks Public Health with unidentified Rotarian in the foreground
In order to qualify for the Elderly Waiver, you must meet these thresholds:
  • 65 years of age or older
  • Monthly income less than $2,130
  • Less than $2,000 in assets (excluding home, car and burial contracts)
  • Difficulty taking care of myself
When a person meets all of the above qualifications, they may qualify for Elderly Waiver.  A Case Manager will assist the individual with the application process.  If they are approved for waiver, the Case Manager will coordinate and manage services to help them safely maintain their independence in their home.

Case Management also provides referral information for in-home services for seniors living in Washington County who do not qualify for Elderly Waiver.
For more information on the Elder Waiver and other in-home services available to seniors of Washington County, call 319-653-7758 or 800-655-7758.

There are about 80 individuals in Washington County receiving benefits through the Elderly Waiver program.


Feeling left out of the hipster Rotarian crowd? Jump in to social superstardom by ordering a new Rotary shirt. Made of wicking material to keep you cool and dry when working hard on community service projects or just pointing at your employees.

Hipster and Past DG Don Patterson models our new shirt


Don't forget to bring a guest on Thursday, October 16 for Business & Industry Appreciation Day. Eric Hahn from Bazooka Farmstar will be the guest speaker. Bazooka has a lot going on, so you won't want to miss this.


October 16: Business & Industry Day - Eric Hahn from Bazooka Farmstar
October 23: Terry Engelken
October 30: Dennis Purcell? 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Club Forum!


The Chamber has hosted the Candlelight Tour of Homes for many years as a way to raise money to pay for the maintenance of the Christmas lights on buildings around the Square. This fall, several homeowners backed out of participating. Now the Chamber will have to cancel the event this year (and not have the funds to do the annual maintenance on the lights) UNLESS 2-3 valiant heroes stand up to volunteer their homes to appear on the Tour of Homes the first weekend in December.

Don't let Christmas be canceled! Volunteer by Friday afternoon. Call Dani or Michelle at the Chamber, 6533-3272. Its a fun time!


Don't forget to invite a friend to attend our annual Business & Industry Appreciation Day lunch on October 16. The guest speaker will be Eric Hahn, general manager at Bazooka Farmstar in Washington. He has helped to guide the company's recent growth from about 25 to over 80 employees in the past 3 years, and to expand its product lines.

Recently, Bazooka Farmstar was recognized as the 9th fastest growing company in the Creative Corridor.

If you need a few ideas of who to invite (especially potential future Rotarians) to this interesting presentation, contact Ed Raber.


It was a educational Club Forum on Thursday. We started with impersonations. 

Club President, Susan Wellington talked about keeping the good momentum going for the rest of the year. Terry Engelken spoke about the Club's success in donating to DG John Ockenfels Operation Warm - Coats for Kids initiative. We are hoping to increase our Club's donation in order to purchase 80 coats for area needy kids.

Jack Nicholson (aka Kent Dallmeyer) stopped by for lunch

Happy Birthday, Michelle Redlinger. Middle-age becomes you.

Thanks to Jim Mostek, 2014 Rotarian of the Year (ROTY), for giving the financial report for the first quarter, unfettered by the constraints of Generally Accepted Accounting Principals.

Rotarian of the Year, Jim Mostek gives the financial report
Past Rotarian of the Year, Ed Raber, explains FaceBook in 7 minutes


October 16:  Business & Industry Appreciation Day - Eric Hahn of Bazooka Farmstar
October 23:  Terry Engelken - TBA
October 30:  TBA