Sunday, October 12, 2014

Elderly Waiver Program

Thanks to Tsalika Drown for inviting Ivan Mei of the Panda Palace restaurant to Rotary.  Welcome, Ivan!
Ivan Mei of Panda Palace
John Moenck brought Amber Scott from Jones Eden Funeral Home to Rotary. Welcome Amber!
Funeral Directors are a happy bunch. Amber Scott
Jim Gorham brought John Greener to Rotary. John is a retired teacher and happens to be running for Iowa House District #78. Welcome John!

John Greener


Thanks to Phil Rabinowitz for inviting Susan Mitchell and Jeri Crile from the Washington County Department of Public Health to talk about the Elderly Waiver program.

Elderly Waiver is a Medicaid program which pays for a variety of services to keep persons 65 years of age or older in their homes longer and safer.
Susan Mitchell
Jeri Crile talks Public Health with unidentified Rotarian in the foreground
In order to qualify for the Elderly Waiver, you must meet these thresholds:
  • 65 years of age or older
  • Monthly income less than $2,130
  • Less than $2,000 in assets (excluding home, car and burial contracts)
  • Difficulty taking care of myself
When a person meets all of the above qualifications, they may qualify for Elderly Waiver.  A Case Manager will assist the individual with the application process.  If they are approved for waiver, the Case Manager will coordinate and manage services to help them safely maintain their independence in their home.

Case Management also provides referral information for in-home services for seniors living in Washington County who do not qualify for Elderly Waiver.
For more information on the Elder Waiver and other in-home services available to seniors of Washington County, call 319-653-7758 or 800-655-7758.

There are about 80 individuals in Washington County receiving benefits through the Elderly Waiver program.


Feeling left out of the hipster Rotarian crowd? Jump in to social superstardom by ordering a new Rotary shirt. Made of wicking material to keep you cool and dry when working hard on community service projects or just pointing at your employees.

Hipster and Past DG Don Patterson models our new shirt


Don't forget to bring a guest on Thursday, October 16 for Business & Industry Appreciation Day. Eric Hahn from Bazooka Farmstar will be the guest speaker. Bazooka has a lot going on, so you won't want to miss this.


October 16: Business & Industry Day - Eric Hahn from Bazooka Farmstar
October 23: Terry Engelken
October 30: Dennis Purcell?