Tom encouraged the club to think outside the box, to come up with new ways to increase membership, new projects to get involved with, and new ways to organize club events. He wants every club to be individualized to mean the most to its members. One way to go about this is beginning a RotarAct program, to get younger community members involved in service projects even if they aren't Rotarians. Tom would like to see more involvement with Social Media to spread the news of Rotary, so that more people can Be the Inspiration.
Thanks for visiting, Tom and Carol!
You can read Tom and Carol's full biography at
Rotary 6000 District Governor Tom Narak and his wife Carol |
Assistant Governor Bob Freeman joined the club this week to hear Tom and Carol's message.
Bob Freeman, Carol and Tom Narak, and Lynn Kock |
Dick Colby brought Mary Oviatt to Rotary.
Michelle Redlinger brought Alicia Maurer to Rotary.
Lynn Koch presented Carol with a plaque and gift card as a Thank You for all the work she does as the District Governor's wife.
Last week's Rotary presentation was given by club member Bob Kennedy.
Upcoming Programs
November 15: Jim Mostek
November 29: Brett PiersonDecember 1: LJ Roth Corporation
December 13: Ryan Walker