Rotary Holiday Party
Instead of a regular Noon meeting last week, we enjoyed a Holiday party at the Washington Golf & Country Club for Rotarians and their spouse and family.
It was a nice evening of fun and visiting. Thanks to everyone that attended and made it special!
Melanie's daughter was tuned in to the pumpkin pie |
Shawn and Cavin Redlinger |
Lots of snazzy Christmas sweaters!
Club President - Michelle Redlinger |
Colby and Fehr |
Becky Patterson |
The Poes |
Laura Bombei and Brandi Hemsley |
Amber Trettin and Denise Erpelding |
Interactive Apps at Stewart Elementary
Kurt Sorensen and speaker Elizabeth Goodwin |
YMCA Development Consultant, Nick Zimmer and Terry Engelken |
New/Old Rotarian Matt Miller from the WCHC, and Dr. Ann Harris |
Amy Schulte and new member Sean Cortum from CBI Bank |
Emory VanGerpen was recognized for years of service, or his birthday, or wedding anniversary or something. Congratulations, Emory!
Emory VanGerpen |
Thanks for Jeff Dicks inviting Stewart Elementary teacher, Elizabeth Goodwin to speak to the club about an interactive app used in classrooms at Stewart. Students use the app to provide question responses to teachers, and to perform all kinds of multi-media educational tasks. Parents and family can also see online some of the work that the students submit, which helps them understand what the student is working on in school.
Elizabeth Goodwin |
Teams of Rotarians using the app - Don Vittetoe and Amber Trettin |
Trying not to be the last team to finish the tasks. |
December 21: 11am Rotary Board Meeting @ Jones Eden Funeral Home
December 21: Dr. Ann Harris - Mary Beth
January 4: President's State of the Club w/ project updates *EXCITING*
January 11: Susan Wellington - Daffodils fundraiser