Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Relay for Life & Salvation Army Bell Ringing

Great to see associate member Wally Wolanin from the Boy Scouts

Congratulations Tsalika Drown on your engagement with Jamie Rich

Thanks to Bob Freeman for his personal story about why he Relays in Relay for Life. It was touching to hear about the fight against cancer that friends and family waged along side his step-daughter Sandy.

Bob Freeman with banner help from Past DG Don Patterson (left) and Ed Rustioni (Right)
Dr. Ann Harris won a piece of Sandy's pottery


Thanks to all the Rotarians that helped to bell ring at Hy-Vee on Sunday, December 7 for the Salvation Army. Your friendly smile helped to put people in the giving spirit!

Ray Poe, Gary Murphy, Cheryl Kurtz

John Thorne closes the deal

Tsalika Drown, Denise Erpelding, & Ed Lins

Ed Lins tries to keep Mark Kendall's fingers out of the kettle...

Ed Raber (2013 Rotarian of the Year) and Ed Lins

Emily Johnson and Club President, Susan Wellington


December 11: Jim Gorham - Jim Goff with guide dog Don't pet the dog!
December 18: Meet at Washington Library for Christmas Concert
December 25: No meeting - Christmas!