Monday, May 18, 2015

County Fair, Relay, Jeff Dicks, & Karl King

Kids Against Hunger - May 27, 2-4pm @ Riverside Casino

Don't forget about the Kids Against Hunger meal packing event on Wednesday, May 27th at the Riverside Casino Events Center from 2-4pm. The financial commitment is $1,500 from the casino and $500 from the Washington, Wellman & Kalona Rotary Clubs, for a total of $3,000.  This will allow us to package 12,000 meals!

What's going on?

Ed Rustioni updates the club on Relay For Life on June 13

Congratulations to Susan Wellington for receiving a Rotary Presidential Citation award from PDG Don Patterson. The Citation recognizes that Club President Wellington led the club through on-target activities and worked toward the Rotary mission.

Washington School's On-Deck Superintendent, Jeff Dicks, told the club a little bit about himself. He starts in June after Rotarian, Dr. Mike Jorgensen moves to "Senior Active."

John Moenck talked about Rotarians working the ticket gates at the Washington County Fair.

Last week, Dick Colby had a Music Appreciation class, focusing on Karl King. Take another listen to "Barnum & Bailey's Favorite"!

May 21: Kathy Salazar - Bobbie Wulf
May 27: WEDNESDAY - Kids Against Hunger @ Riverside Casino, 2-4pm
May 28: John Moenck - TBA
June 4: Gene Driscoll - TBA
June 11: Dr. John Thorne - Dr. Mike Jorgensen "Senior Active"
June 13: Relay for Life in Central Park, 11am - 11pm
June 18: Emory Van Gerpen - TBA
June 24: Wednesday - Rotary Awards Dinner @ Marr Park, 6:00pm (find out if Jim Mostek repeats as Rotarian of the Year!)
June 25: No Rotary Club Meeting

Also, Emily Johnson wants to remind folks about an upcoming play by area poet/playwright Mary Swander "Map of My Kingdom" at the Washington Public Library on June 6th. Yes, its free, Dick.