We covered a number of topics at today's meeting.
- We are waiting for a confirmation on the possible daffodils fundraiser for the American Cancer Society, and to raise funds for Rotary.
- On January 23rd, we will have a planning meeting for the spring blood drive.
- Michelle Redlinger said that Junior Achievement is asking for volunteers to lead some middle-school classes, and passed around an info and sign-up sheet.
- Becky Patterson announced that the club would be covering the cost of Hannah Purner's outfit so that she could participate in Show Choir. (Apparently, Hannah wanted to be in Show Choir and they're not forcing her.) Hannah said "Thanks!" by handing around some Austrian cookies!
Susan Wellington conferred membership papers to John Thorne. This came a few weeks early because sponsor John Moenck and RI Foundation rep Kent Dallmeyer are bailing out of Iowa for warmer weather. Dallmeyer said that as Thorne was going to become a sustaining RI Foundation member, the club was still at 100% participation!
John Moenck pins John Thorne (photo missing) |
YMCA Director, Becky Harkema thanked the club for its sponsorship of the Y's annual sustaining drive. This banner will hang in the gym.
Harkema also thanked the club's Christmas Committee for adopting 11 YMCA families in need. The Committee shopped for gifts and wrapped them.
The Historic Saint Nicholas
Pastor Bob Wollenberg gave a very interesting program about the historical figure of Saint Nicolas. Our modern idea of St. Nic as Santa Clause was shaped by 1920's Coca Cola advertisements.
The historical Saint Nicholas was born in 262 A.D. in what is now Turkey. He grew us as a Christian in the Roman empire, when being Christian wasn't an easy thing. As an adult, he became the bishop of Myra.
looks a little like Bob with a beard? |
During his life, Constantine became the Roman Emperor and sanctioned Christianity. Nicholas participated in the Nicene Council and signed the Nicene Creed. That was big.
Some of the stories about his point to his modern persona as a mysterious gift deliverer. [from Wikipedia:]
In his most famous exploit, a poor man had three daughters but could not afford a proper dowry for them. This meant that they would remain unmarried and probably, in absence of any other possible employment, would have to become prostitutes. Hearing of the girls' plight, Nicholas decided to help them, but being too modest to help the family in public (or to save them the humiliation of accepting charity), he went to the house under the cover of night and threw three purses (one for each daughter) filled with gold coins through the window opening into the house.
December 26: Rob Negrete - Lyle Moen & Nancy Rash travel log pics from Alaska!
January 2: Becky Harkema
January 9: Dennis Hunger
January 16: Club Forum!
January 23: Paul Horak - Blood Drive planning
January 30: Jim Gorham
January 2: Becky Harkema
January 9: Dennis Hunger
January 16: Club Forum!
January 23: Paul Horak - Blood Drive planning
January 30: Jim Gorham
Ho Ho Ho
Merry Christmas everyone.