Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Water for Haiti

Don't forget that Tuesday, September 24th is a FAMSCO Work Day in Iowa City! Let Becky Patterson know if you'd like to volunteer some time.

Water for Haiti

Rotarian Ryan Walker gave a great talk about Water for Haiti, a faith based, non-denominational organization where he and his wife Shannon, volunteer their time, energy, and money. He had some great stories about fixing schools, and drilling and servicing wells and pumps in rural Haiti.

Ryan gets his wish - to sign his name in a Rotary book for the Library

Shanon explains whats really going on to John Winga and Grandpa Harvey Holden.


No info to report on the Turkey Dinner yet.


September 19:  Club Board Meeting, 7:00am @ WCHC
September 19:  Caleb Wilson - Telepharm
September 24:  FAMSCO Work Day
September 26:  Don Patterson - Ann Williams on the Affordable Health Care Act
October 1:  Dine with Rotary at Unc and Nephs fundraiser
October 3:  Dick Colby - Ericka & Meredith's Trip to Russia and the Baltics
October 10:  Tsalika Drown - Things that Bug Me about You
October 17:  Business & Industry Day with Bravatile's Gerald Edson