Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Rotary Turkey Dinner, Biz & Industry Day

Serving the community and working together as a team are what makes our annual Rotary Turkey Dinner such a special event. This year, Rotary netted about $4,500 that will be used to fund local projects and scholarships.

Thanks to all the Rotarians, kids of Rotarians, pie bakers, and the United Methodist Church for allowing us to your their facilities.

Brandi keeping the water glasses full

Friendly servers smile, even if the opening is too short

Our friendly hosts, Gary Murphy and Susan Wellington

Bring more dishes to wash

Tough to keep the kids off their phones while they're on the clock

Rotarian kids love to come in to help dry silverware, and listen to Mostek stories

All laughs in the serving line

Desert Crew: Michelle Redlinger, Bob Kennedy, Becky Patterson

Don Vittetoe serving up coffee or water. I think its decaf

Sue Basten shows us a trick with Jim Gorham

The 3rd Picture in this series has mysteriously gone missing. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Junior Achievement

Thanks to Club President, Michelle Redlinger for inviting Stacy Voelliger to speak about Junior Achievement of Eastern Iowa. Great program to have in our schools to encourage entrepreneurship and interest in business.

Stacy Voelliger of Junior Achievement

Premier 1 at Business & Industry Day

Thanks to Dr. Ann Harris for arranging for CEO Ben Rothe of Premier 1 to talk about what the international company is doing as it serves small livestock farmers.

It was the first Rotary meeting for new corporate members from CBI Bank & Trust
- Brandon Long and Sean Cortum

Brandi Hemsley and Tyler Friese

Brian Hayes of ACH Foam Technologies and Rotarian Kurt Sorensen

Olivia Hartzler and Rotarian Amber Trettin

Bob & Margaret Bell, and Karen Moenck

Rotarian Terry Engelken and Clay Whisler of Elliott Realty

Chris Canney of Wal-Mart with Rotarian Ray Poe

Brittney Gavin with Rotarian Sue Basten
Ben Rothe of Premier 1 Supplies and attorney Katie Mitchell

Rotarian Ed Lins with Elainie Turner of Latta Harris

Rotarian Lynn Koch with Leslie Allendorf

Karen Gorham and Gina Richardson


October 26:  Terry Engelken - TBA
November 2:  Jim Mostek - TBA
November 9:  Bob Kennedy - Veterans Day
November 16: 11:15am Board Meeting (make-up)
November 16:  Ray Poe - Rotary Foundation
November 23: THANKSGIVING - no club meeting
November 30: Dr. Ann Harris - Judy Marshall from Workplace Learning Connection