Raber showed that the number of jobs in Washington County had increased by about 1,500 to almost 8,300 in the 15 years from 1999 to 2014.
He also showed that there has been upward employment trends in most sectors, although manufacturing has had the most volatility.

Source: US Census Bureau - Quarterly Workforce Indicators data
A PDF of Raber's full presentation can be viewed or downloaded here.
The Rotary Clubs of Washington and Kalona teamed up with CBI Bank and Trust to raise almost $1,100 for Coats for Kids. This helped to purchase 90 coats! Our partner, HACAP will coordinate the distribution in the Washington and Mid-Prairie School Districts.
We put this card with each coat so that kids would understand where their gift came from.
December 3: Emily Johnson - Suzan Erem of Sustainable Iowa Land Trust
December 10: Bob Wollenberg - HACAP
December 17: Matt Miller - TBA
December 24: NO ROTARY - enjoy Christmas Eve!
December 31: NO ROTARY - enjoy New Year's Eve!