Welcome to some of Gary Murphy's family - Jess Menzia & Janelle Menzia-Murphy, and Karen Murphy
Thanks Amber Scott (Jones Funeral Home) for bringing Rotary wannabe, Alissa Levy (Northwestern Mutual). Welcome Alissa!
Ray Poe happened to be wearing his Davenport team's senior slow pitch softball national championship medal. Congrats, Ray!
Welcome Karen Heineman! a new corporate member, along with past President Chris Marshall, from Wesley Halcyon House.
Matt Murphy gave the club an insightful presentation about fighting ebola in English-speaking Liberia, on Africa's west coast. Matt is Gary & Karen Murphy's son.
July 30: District 6000 District Governor, Loring Miller
Aug 6: Ray Poe - TBA
Aug 6: Ray Poe - TBA
Aug 13: Ryan Walker - TBA
Aug 20: Larry Fishback - TBA
Aug 27: Nancy Rash - Turkey Dinner planning
Sept 14: Rotary Turkey Dinner
Sept 14: Rotary Turkey Dinner
Happy 80th Birthday, Gary Murphy!