Thanks to John Moenck for arranging for Jan Gallagher and Bob Youngquist to give Rotarians an update on the exciting new auditorium project they are helping to plan at the new Washington High School.

But first, Happy 96th Birthday to Harvey Holden!
Jan Gallagher and Bob Youngquist seem a little tight lipped here, but they answered all our questions about the $7 million WHS Auditorium project. They smiled pretty big when they told us about their recent $2.5 million grant.
Jan and Bob handed out project folios on the WHS Auditorium project that lays out the need in the school district and the community, the planned layout, and project financing. The project has some real momentum from private donations and grants, and hopefully will achieve its funding goal soon.
May 30: Dick Colby - He told me but I don't remember what his program is. It will be epic though, I'm sure.
June 6: No lunch meeting today
June 6: 6:00pm Rotary Awards Dinner!