Thursday, May 9, 2013

Mobile Meth Lab at Rotary!

Rotarians join in a rousing version of "When the Saints Go Marching In"
I did not know it had all those verses.

Thank you Emory for arranging the program for today.

Eric Weber describes his duties as a plain-clothes drug enforcement officer in Southeast Iowa.
Unidentified Rotarian in the foreground.

Eric Weber explains how to make meth to a rapt group of Rotarians.

Eric's pictures show the toll meth takes of its victims.


Ericka and Meredith Raber are in Moscow, Russia and the Baltic Republics in May to collect literary works from past participants of the UI's International Writing Program. Click here to check out their blog (mostly Meredith's pics of deserts and statues with pigeons on them, plus some tanks).

A few weeks ago, there was some bad flooding around Washington County. The Editor copped a plane ride and took a bunch of aerial pictures with an iPhone of the Washington, Kalona and Riverside area. You can check it out on this blog post and/or on Flickr.


May 15: "Fireside Chat" for new members at Patterson's
May 16: 7:00am Rotary Club Board Meeting @ Hospital
May 16: Kathy Salazar - Iowa Lions Eye Bank
May 23: John Moenck - Jan Gallagher on the New WHS Auditorium project
May 30: Dick Colby - TBA