The Iowa Soybean Association will continue its support of the World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (WISHH) Program launched by state soybean checkoff boards, including Iowa, and the American Soybean Association in FY 2001. The program's goal is to increase the international consumption of soy protein by humans in new markets and developing markets, thereby creating new opportunities for consumption of soybeans and providing higher economic returns to U.S. soybean farmers. Initial efforts will focus on introducing soy protein for human consumption, and will ultimately be expanded to include all derivatives of soy for food use.
Oct. 18 - Business & Industry Appreciation Day
Also, don't forget to sign up to bring a guest (ideally a prospective Rotarian) to hear Jon Thompson and his partners talk about their groundbreaking initiatives for Beans Pharmacy/Reliant Long Term Care Pharmacy.Thanks to those of you that signed up last Thursday. You'll get another chance at Rotary today, but you could also just send me an e-mail at with your guest.
You can get a sneak peak by checking out this KCRG story on their Victor, Iowa tele-pharmacy from Oct. 3rd (last week).
Club Forum last week
Thanks to everyone for a successful Club Forum last week.Here is the FY 2012 (and FY 2011) fiscal report that was presented.
Rotary Financial Report Fy2012