Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Catching up since meetings resumed July 3.

Thanks for all Rotarians who turned out to help at the Kewash Half-Marathon on Aug. 29. Thanks also to Rotarian Sue Basten for sharing photos.
President Paul Horak presents a check for $10,000 on behalf of the Washington Rotary Club to to Rotarian and YMCA Director Amy Schulte. The donation will go to help equip the Community Room at the new Y.

Rotarian and Washington City Administrator Brent Hinson updated the club on city projects at our Aug. 5 meeting.
Rotary District 6000 Governor Steven Dakin and wife Lesley were guests Aug. 13.
Rotarian and Washington Community School District Superintendent Willy Stone modeled a COVID-19 face shield available for staff during his Aug. 20 program on back-to-school plans for the district.