Friday, January 11, 2019

Daffodil Sales

It's that time of year again to get out and sell some daffodils. Susan Wellington and Bob Freeman talked to the club today about how the Washington and Wellman Rotary clubs got involved with the daffodil sales. This was originally a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society and was done nationwide. It was not profitable on such a large scale, but Washington county had success and wanted to continue the project independently. The Rotary clubs decided to continue the fundraiser, with half of the money raised going to the Washington County Relay For Life, and the other half staying in the Rotary clubs to be used for other service projects. Sales begin today, and are due back to Susan Wellington or Laura Bombei by February 28th. Daffodils will be in for distribution March 11th.

Upcoming Events
January 17: Amber Trettin
January 24: Paul Horak - Blood Drive Organization
January 31: Kurt Sorenson
February 7: Club Forum
February 14: Tsalika Rich