Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Iowa Donor Network

The big highlight of February 5th's Club Forum was Laura Bombei becoming a corporate member from Wolf Floral. Welcome Laura!
Laura Bombei
 Last week, we had a number of guests. Welcome to Rotary!

Guest, Tera Pickens & Kierstan Peck

Fuzzy Fiance and Amber Scott (also fuzzy)

Elisa Coffman & guest Mary

Welcome back, Tsalika Drown!


Thanks to Gary Murphy for arranging for Skylar Ferentz of the Iowa Donor Network for giving a wonderful presentation about the need and opportunity to donate organs.

Make sure your family knows your wishes to donate your organs!

Skylar Ferentz


There were plenty of volunteers helping out with the annual Blood Drive. Thanks to Paul Horak for coordinating this event.
Hostess With the Mostest

Brent Hinson before the needle

John Thorne

John Winga checks in the donors

Ed Raber smiles through the agony


February 19: 7:00am Rotary Board Meeting @ WCHC
February 19: Denise Erpelding - High School Art teacher Mrs. Pisarik
February 26: Craig Davis - Mike Wyatt IA Bicycle Coalition