Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Downtown Market Analysis & Rotary D6000 Conference

Happy 97th Birthday, Harvey Holden! (standing)
Thanks to Don Kline (left) for the great program on Main Street Washington's Downtown Market Analysis. That was really interesting information. Download or view the report here!

Also, welcome visiting Rotarian Royce Phillips of Tiffin (center). Royce is the former Mayor of Tiffin, IA, as well as being Club President of the North Corridor Rotary Club in Coralville. He is also a Republican Candidate for State Senate District 39.


Rotary District 6000 Conference in Ames

The District Conference was a great way to learn more about what is going on with Rotary International, PolioPlus, District 6000, and

For some folks, the highlight was the Welcome to Ames talk we got from The Mayor.

For some faithful others, the highlight was watching District Gov. Jacque Andrew dancing the night away with the kids. In between the Mayor and the dancing was a lot of great info.

Hannah Purner spent a lot of time wearing this blue blazer which was weighed down by a lot of pins and buttons. A very fun part of the annual conference is hearing from all the exchange students.

Next years District 6000 conference is at the Coralville Marriott.


May 8th - Kierstan Peck, Parting shots from Father Troy Richmond of St. James Church
May 10th, 8am - Tree Give Away in Central Park, followed by tree planting @ Hospital
May 15th - CLUB FORUM!
May 22nd - Dick Colby
May 27th - Bob Ruppert